Friday, April 7, 2017

Finally Friday

Phew, I figured I'd better post something before April gets away from me! It's been a busy couple of weeks: Joel was at a conference in St. Louis for several days, the kids wrapped up the third quarter at school, and lots and lots of Bar Mitzvah / Israel trip stuff.

Rebecca auditioned for (but unfortunately did not get) a spot in the spring talent show. She was disappointed but handled it well. And we are all so proud of her for trying!

Ben and Rebecca both finished the third quarter with all As, for Becca it was the third straight quarter of straight As. It was Ben's first quarter of straight As this year and we're super proud of them both for working so hard this quarter! Three down, one to go!

Ben had a long stretch of Israel and Bar Mitzvah related stuff beginning last Friday with four hours of community service for his Bar Mitzvah project, religious school on Saturday, an Israel trip meeting on Sunday, Hebrew school on Monday, Bar Mitzvah tutoring on Tuesday, and a meeting with the rabbi on Wednesday to discuss the writing assignments he has to work on this month. As a result of all that, I'm perfectly happy to let him stay in his pajamas all day today (the first day of spring break) and watch movies!

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