Saturday, April 22, 2017

Busy Week!

After our four day weekend we had a rude return to work and school! Caroline was off Monday and Tuesday for the final two days of Passover, and by Monday night she literally started crying and said she wanted to go back to school because she missed her friends! Poor baby. It didn't help that I had a lot of work to catch up on as well as some major issues to resolve for work so I was glued to my desk for the first half of the week.

Wednesday she finally went back to school and I had a long day at work followed by spending the evening working with Ben on his D'var Torah for his bar mitzvah, then bouncing back and forth between writing a draft based on the notes we came up with and doing some work stuff until about midnight.

Last night Ben went to services with Mort - he now has one Friday night and 3 Saturday mornings left to do - Becca went to a birthday party and Caroline and I met Joel at Chopt (an awesome salad place) for dinner. It's quite a hike from where we are but apparently they are opening one in the Arboretum this summer. YAY! Today Becca has another birthday party/ sleepover to go to, Caroline has soccer tomorrow and Ben has a meeting with the rabbi to finalize his D'var Torah, and I have moms in training. Joel is working all weekend! So definitely not the relaxing weekend we had last weekend. The weather is awesome though so I am going to try to sit outside and enjoy it at some point!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

My head is spinning just reading about my vey wonderful very busy family!