Monday, August 7, 2017

It's Already August??? & Random Updates

Becca finished her 3 week stint at performing arts camp with an awesome performance (well four actually) of Lion King Kids. The two Saturday performances were open to the general public and both packed the house. The kids were fantastic!!! After the second performance on Saturday Becca was upset that it was over and declared that it had been one of the most amazing summer camp experiences she's had. So I definitely see more performing arts camp in our future! I'm supposed to get a DVD of the performance, so when I do I will try to post some video from it here.

Caroline finished 6 weeks at Camp Mindy last Friday as well, and both girls started 2 weeks at our neighborhood camp, Camp KC , today. They seem to have enjoyed their first day. Their cousins and some friends from our block are there, so they jumped right in.

Ben this week is doing his summer reading (The Wizard of Oz) before heading to Philly on Wednesday for a week and a half visit with Uncle Mike and Aunt Kathleen!

I can't believe school starts 3 weeks from today!

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