Friday, August 25, 2017

Last Week of Summer Break

The end of the last week of summer vacation is upon us! I seriously have no idea where the summer has gone. It seems like just yesterday we were gearing up for our Israel trip! And now somehow we have been home for two months!! Crazy.

Anyway, the girls and I got some back to school shopping and organizing done last weekend, and yesterday I took Becca to Open House at ELE where she met her new teacher Ms. Jones and unpacked her school supplies / filled out some paperwork. She is excited because Ms. Jones seems nice and because two of her friends from our neighborhood are in her class, including our next door neighbor.

Caroline meanwhile spent the morning at Daddy's office since he doesn't have patients on Thursdays. She brought some coloring and books and her iPad to keep herself occupied while Joel worked, and then they had lunch together at the "bacteria" as Caroline later told me. ("You mean the CAFeteria." "No, the bacteria.") LOL! I picked her up after lunch.

Ben did a Red Cross babysitting certification class on Tuesday, so watch out! He will now be allowed to babysit the girls and is looking forward to earning some spending money. And that's pretty much a wrap for the last week of summer vacation!

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