Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Sobering Thought

Last night at the concert, surrounded by college kids and twenty-somethings, Joel complained, "We're too old!"

"Who's this 'we' you're talking about?" I griped.

"You're only three years younger than me," he pointed out.

"I look younger than I am," I said, which may or may not still be true but I am sure I will claim it until my dying day.

Afterwards during the drive home, as Joel complained about how late it was ("We can't go to another concert on a week night!") and I complained about my back hurting from sitting on the hard-as-concrete ground (we had lawn seats), a horrifying thought occurred to me... Maybe we *are* too old for this.

Nah... Just don't ask me how tired I am right now.


Mary said...

hmmmm. . .I was going to comment on your other post "Afterwards my knees were stiff and achy like I'd just been on an airplane or something." This is a sure sign of old age. Don't worry, I get it too! I also cling to the idea that I look younger than I am. Which I think just means we are old since when we were young we hated looking younger than we were.

Abigail said...

Speak for yourself -- I get told I look 18 on a regular basis... of course this is generally by the same demented people who see Charlie and say "Here kitty kitty kitty..."

Amanda said...

you both have made me feel a lot better about my age...
not! :)

Carolyn said...

No matter how much you both complained, and how tired and sore (?) you were from your excursion, at least you did it! Being old is not even considering doing it in the first place.

Amanda said...

thank you carolyn! you see people?! that's how to be supportive.

Abigail said...

What, I wasn't being supportive? I am going to a freakin' Poison concert in two weeks -- I mean really, if that is not old, I don't know what is :)

Mary said...

Oh you aren't old! Haven't you heard that the 30's are the new 20's?? I see nothing wrong with basking in the glory of hearing, "oh, are you in school here?" Not only do we look younger than we are me must be living life as though we are in our early twenties too! So rock on sister!