Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mr Mom

Last night I had a hair appointment so Joel picked up the kids, fed them dinner, and put them to bed. He did a fine job, but I'd like to gripe about a few minor details anyway:

1. He forgot to bring Becca's bottles home from her day care
2. He forgot to bring Ben's schoolbag home from his preschool
3. He put Becca to bed still wearing her dinner all over her face

I am sure he deserves an "A" for effort, anyway. For the record, I still have not found Ben's schoolbag. Now apparently he may have forgotten that he did not forget it, and it may be in the trunk of his car. I am going to check out that possibility in a moment.


Carolyn said...

We're on the edge of our seats waiting to see if he forgot that he didn't forget the bag after all.

Amanda said...

he forgot that he didn't forget the bag after all. it was in his trunk.

Carolyn said...

that is classic.

Mary said...

That is awesome! As I read this to Jason his response was, "How is that possible?"

Andrew said...

It all goes back to 1994..."Hey Tim is that your underwear or mine?"

Amanda said...

mary/jason, I have given that question much thought (and not just with regards to this incident). from what I understand, joel is very organized and efficient at work so my theory at this point is that it takes so much brain power for him to stay focused at work that by the time he gets home his daily supply of concentration has been squandered.

Abigail said...

Atleast he didn't send your child to daycare with no shoes on because he "couldn't find them."