Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy New Year

This afternoon I took Ben to the children's Rosh Hashanah service. I figured that since he had the day off for Rosh Hashanah he might as well get something out of it besides spending the day cooped up at home watching me work and complaining of boredom. Which is oh so much fun for both of us.

I should have known it was asking for trouble, since he'd been cooped up with me all day and as soon as we got out of the car he spotted two of his preschool friends. My Ben was replaced by deaf-obnoxious-Ben-on-speed, which is what usually happens when Ben spends time with other boys his age outside of school. He was relatively well behaved during the service itself thankfully though there was a fair amount of whispering to his friends, who we (unwisely) sat with.

Afterwards, when his sitting-still-and-listening quotient had been entirely depleted for the day, he was rowdy with his friends on the way outside and took off across the parking lot against my orders so I sent him to his room when we got home.

I just don't understand how he can be so calm and sweet with me, and then as soon as another four year old boy enters the room his emotional maturity drops about six years (putting him in negative numbers somewhere).


Abigail said...

I dunno, you have a few more posts to go before the clock turns to Oct 1, in order to hit your record of 38 posts set in June... Which you are obviously trying to do since you posted 3 times in one day ;)

Amanda said...

no, it was only 2 times. But I got one more for ya, if you insist... ;)