Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Cat the Dog

One of the many endearing traits about my cat is that whenever we are outside, he follows us around. So if we go for a walk around the neighborhood (and he is around to notice us go) he trots along behind us, much to the amusement of everyone we pass.

So this afternoon I decided that since it was such a nice day Ben and I would walk to Becca's day care to pick her up. Normally this is not practical, since I also have to pick up Ben in the afternoons, and his preschool is not in walking distance. But today Ben was already home. So we set off for the day care, which is basically in our subdivision, but out by one of the main roads that you enter our subdivision from. It's about a 10 minute walk.

When we got to the end of our street I noticed Ulysses was following right behind us. I considered picking him up and carrying him back to the house and putting him inside but I didn't feel like walking all the way back up the street and I must admit I was slightly curious to see if he'd follow us the whole way.

He did. Which made me rather nervous in the end since we needed to cross the main road that goes through our subdivision, which is not highly trafficked since it's usually only people who live here driving on it, but it was 5pm and it's a very wide road with a median with trees in the middle. So I picked Ulysses up when we got to that point and carried him across. Then I was nervous again in the parking lot at the day care, because he followed us right across the parking lot and up to the door.

After retrieving Becca we then had to look around a little bit to find the cat again -- he'd wandered off into the bushes. But once he saw us he trotted right back over and we all set off for home again. He followed us all the way home.

We passed many joggers and bikers on our round trip who all gave our strange procession a double-take: woman, baby in stroller, little boy, cat. Maybe I should get him a leash.


Carolyn said...

That is amazing!! You should get him a leash.

Anonymous said...

They are amazing creatures, aren't they?!? Since I work so close to home now, I do come home for lunch sometimes. I sit out on the back patio and eat my lunch and let 'poor little Milkshake' out to roam the bushes and be a jungle cat. Sometimes, like yesterday, she decides to run out of the bushes and onto our neighbor's driveway! All I have to do is yell "MILKSHAKE" and she comes running, right into the house! She's so smart! (despite what Mike says!)