Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Potty Train is Leaving the Station...

...Whether Rebecca is ready or not. I decided that IT'S TIME. So this morning I put Rebecca in underwear and we all headed out to Hodge's Dairy farm. The GPS took us an ass-backwards way to get there, which took about twice as long as necessary (we realized once we got there). Meaning that Rebecca's first car trip sans diaper was nearly an hour.

Hodges Dairy farm has a pumpkin patch, a corn maze, a petting zoo, pony rides, and a hay ride. What is doesn't really have is a bathroom. And since I didn't want to traumatize Rebecca by making her use a port-a-potty (those things are scary enough for grownups) we went potty-less for a good three hours. Three nerve-wracking hours, during which time I was surreptitiously feeling Rebecca's tushie to make sure she hadn't just peed on the seat she was sharing with a nice grandma on the hay ride....

But I am happy and impressed to say that she made it home without having an accident! Until about 20 minutes after we got home, when she pooped in her underpants. Maybe she's just not clear yet on the "no pooping in your underpants" rule. We'll have to work on that one.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Sounds like Becca has bought her ticket and is just about ready to get on the potty train. Kudos to the conductor! How's the scooter riding coming along?