Friday, October 15, 2010


The potty train is back in the station. While Rebecca is happy to hold her bodily functions while we're out and about, apparently once we get home the living room floor, my bed, etc are all perfectly acceptable places to, shall we say, "let go". I sent her to preschool in underpants on Monday and Tuesday but I guess preschool is like her second home so she had no particularly strong desire to be continent there either. So. Back in pull-ups, and maybe we'll try again in another week or so...

Besides the potty news (or lack thereof) not much is going on. It has been a very busy week at work since it's coming up on election day. At least there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Ben was transferred into a new classroom at school. He finished his first week in Mrs. Day's class today. The first grade was too crowded, so they added a 7th (yes, 7th!) first grade class and transferred a few of the kids from each existing class into it. The new teacher is not really new, she's been the literacy facilitator at the school for years and has experience teaching both first and second grades. Ben seems to like her so far. He also likes the fact that his new classroom is one of the mobile classrooms. Mom is not so thrilled about that, but of course the kids would think that's cool I guess!

Joel's college roommates Jon and Tim arrived today for a visit, so it's sure to be a fun weekend!

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