Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I walked out the front door this morning to see Ben off to school, and nearly trod on a dead baby bunny. TWO dead baby bunnies in fact. Ulysses was quite a prolific serial killer of baby bunnies last night it seems, and left the evidence on the front porch. After the initial surprise/dismay of the finding, I sent Ben on his way and immediately grabbed a couple of trash bags and disposed of the evidence. I did not want Rebecca to see her favorite animal mutilated in this fashion! But she was, as far as I knew, still in bed asleep, so I had time... I scooped them up and chucked them into the garage trash can (Why does Ulysses decide to kill two bunnies the day AFTER the trash gets collected? Hope the Odor Shield holds). Then I turned around and walked back in the front door, congratulating myself on having gotten rid of them immediately so Rebecca wouldn't know -- and there she was, standing at the foot of the stairs in her PJs.

"Rebecca! I didn't know you were up yet!" I said.

"I wanted to see the baby bunnies," she said.


Grandma said...

And you told her 'Too late. They scampered off"

Abigail said...

I was afraid you were going to tell s you added bunnies to your menagerie so. I was rather relieved they were of the mauled & mutilated persuasion...