Monday, March 26, 2012

Manic Monday

Caroline went back to day care this morning, but as of 10am had already had diarrhea once, so I am thinking it's only going to be about another 1 - 2 hours before I get The Call. She has been improving in that her fever has gone away and her diarrhea has lessened, but yesterday she had diarrhea like 4 times and that's three times too many than day care allows ;) But I thought I'd give it a try anyway today because I DESPERATELY NEED TO GET SOME WORK DONE.

Over the weekend we had 2 showings, Ben's flag football game, a birthday party for one of Rebecca's friends, Hebrew school, and Rebecca's first soccer game (she ran around grinning crazily, sometimes after the ball and sometimes not). We have another showing tonight at the worst possible time, being 6pm - 7:15pm meaning the potential buyers can show up any time in that window, effectively kicking a family of 5 and a dog out of their house for an hour AT DINNER TIME! Nice people, nice. You better buy my house. The dog just ran around tracking mud everywhere so I have some major cleanup to do before the showing.

We're getting ready to put a bid in on another house, complicated by the fact that we know both the seller and the listing agent personally, and by the fact that our starting bid is 20% below asking and we're not prepared to budge too much from there. But the house is overpriced!! I hope we get it though. It's nice. I could see us living there. We probably won't get it though :P We made a similarly low bid on a similarly overpriced house last weekend, and were rejected after one round of negotiations when it became clear we weren't prepared to pay anywhere near asking price.

Joel leaves for a conference in Minneapolis tomorrow. I hope the rest of the week is not as crazy as today is shaping up to be....

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