Monday, April 9, 2012

Really Really Annoyed

So this morning, after hitting my head, cutting myself, forgetting to send in fresh fruit with Rebecca for snack (only item allowed in from home during Passover) and having to go back home for it, I dropped Caroline off at day care. And was greeted with, "Oh by the way, you left your wallet here on Thursday. Or maybe it was Wednesday..."

Now of course it had occurred to me on Thursday when I couldn't find my wallet, that I might have left it wedged underneath Caroline's butt when I finally dropped her off at day care after her doctor appointment. Caroline was sleeping when we'd arrived, so I left her in her car seat. But when I picked her up the wallet was not in the car seat, and I stupidly assumed that IF SOMEONE HAD FOUND IT THEY WOULD HAVE CALLED ME TO TELL ME. But no, apparently the wallet was discovered in her car seat after she woke up on Thursday, placed on a shelf, and not mentioned to me until AFTER A THREE DAY WEEKEND. During which time I cancelled all my credit cards, ordered a new drivers license, and WOULD REALLY, REALLY HAVE APPRECIATED HAVING MY WALLET!

So now I have my wallet, and the only thing it saves me from having to do is order new health insurance cards. Because my credit cards are all already cancelled, and new ones en route. So I still cannot spend any money until they arrive. And on top of that, I still have to call several merchants who direct debit a couple of my accounts, to give them the new card numbers.

PISSED! Some common sense, people! Wallets are kind of indispensable. If you find one, and you know whose it is, and you have their phone number, it is common sense to call them and give them a heads up, even if you know you'll see them again a few days later. How would you like to be without your drivers license and all your credit/debit cards for three days?


Abigail said...

Oy!! I can't believe they didn't call you the minute they discovered it!! That is crazy!

Grandma said...

I can't believe they didn't call you OR RETURN YOUR WALLET WHEN YOU PICKED CAROLINE UP.

Kathleen said...

Very rude of them!