Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Birthday Boy

My little man turns 8 years old today. We will celebrate with dinner at PF Chang's (his choice), and presents tonight. Since I assume he will not be reading my blog at camp today, he is getting Lego Batman 2, some books, an electric toothbrush (an odd birthday request from him but whatever), and a subscription to game fly (first two video games have already arrived). Uncle Mike and Aunt Kathleen sent him a gift as well, and some money/gift cards from the grandparents. He is also having four friends over on Saturday for a birthday party/sleepover (Yes I probably need my head examined for agreeing to this). This morning I stalked him with my cell phone saying "Smile for the camera birthday boy!" every 5 minutes until he got annoyed with me. Happy, happy birthday Ben!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Happy birthday Ben!!