Thursday, April 30, 2009

Becca: 18 Months

I was supposed to post an 18-month update on Becca's milestones and of course I forgot. 5 days ago she turned 19 months but we'll just pretend for the purposes of this post that she is still 18 months.

Becca is attempting to run, though it's really more like speed-walking very very fast on the verge of falling down at any moment. She climbs up things (like stairs) but not so much down them. She throws a ball, but does not kick a ball or jump yet (she tries to jump but her feet don't leave the ground and it's very funny to watch).

She is saying a lot more words including "french fry" (which sounds like "pench pie"), "waffle", and "outside". If you ask her to repeat a word she will almost always try and sometimes she'll get it and sometimes she won't. I expected that being a girl she would talk more and have better pronounciation than Ben did at her age but it is not true. I don't actually remember too much what Ben's language was like at 18 months but I know by two he was saying four and five word sentences at least (I think his record sentence by the time he turned two was "those lizards running around in there!" Boy was I impressed). So, we'll revisit that comparison in six months.

She continues to sleep twelve hours at night and take a (usually not longer than two hour) nap in the early afternoon.

Her personality is starting to show a lot more lately, she acts goofy in order to get us to laugh, loves to dance, and loves to draw and finger paint. And oh yes -- the tantrums have started!!

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