Monday, November 9, 2009

Cake Cake!

Yesterday I took Rebecca to a classmate's birthday party at Plaza Fiesta. I had never been, but had heard of it, so it was neat to go. They have a two story indoor playground - picture a McDonald's Play Place on steroids, perhaps? Rebecca wasted no time in climbing all the way to the top (with me close behind her). Once up there we chose to go down one of the big corkscrew slides -- not a very well-thought-out decision, as it was a bit scary for me, let alone for poor Rebecca on my lap. She seemed slightly traumatized after that and preferred to stick to the smaller slides thereafter. She had lots of fun running around with her little friends, but was very impatient during lunch (waiting for birthday cake). Who could blame her? Tres leche birthday cake.... Mmmmmm....

Ben had his last soccer game of the season yesterday, and cupcakes afterwards, though I missed out on seeing his final game because I ended up having to work yesterday afternoon (BOOOO...). After soccer we had birthday Chinese takeout and MORE CAKE! to celebrate Nanny's birthday. Rebecca got lots of practice with her "Happy Bah Day to You" song and eating "Happy Bah Day to You cake", as she calls it. Or sometimes just, "cake cake".

Although she doesn't know it yet, she will get to sing Happy Bah Day to You AGAIN this weekend when Uncle Mike and Aunt Kathleen visit, and we celebrate Mike's birthday! YEAH! More Cake cake!

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