Tuesday, November 17, 2009

You Can't Put a Price on Fun in the Snow

Or, maybe you can... apparently it's $35 per person age 3 and over, for two hours. So it is at SnowParkUSA which opens at Symphony Park (about ten minutes from here) next Friday, and stays open through March. It sounds awesome, if not a little bit pricey... I mean, what could be better than getting to enjoy playing in the snow, without the hassle of, well, you know, snow? I am sure we'll check it out ourselves at some point this winter, despite the steep price tag... if we can get in. Looks like it's pretty much sold out through December already. Mittens? Hats? Do we own such things??

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

(jealous sigh) Another feather in Charlotte's cap. Snow when you want it. Not when you don't. It's looking more and more appealing.....