Sunday, April 25, 2010

Another Weekend Over Too Soon...

1. Yesterday we spent a vast amount of time at Concord Mills mall -- my first trip there, and herding two kids through a giant mall is a time consuming task in and of itself. On our to do list was to get Joel some shirts for work, and to figure out what we're all going to wear for the family portrait we're getting done next weekend. Accomplishing the first chore was pretty painless and the sales girl at Brooks Brothers was multi-talented and in addition to helping Joel pick out shirts she made balloon animals for the kids (a stegosaurus for Ben and a turtle bracelet for Becca). Picking out our outfits for the picture was totally not painless, rather painful, but we finally managed that as well.

2. Last night Joel and I went to dinner at Rooster's and then attended a show to benefit the preschool called Mark Stone's Mentalmania (Mark Stone's grandchildren attend the preschool). Rooster's, we decided, has potential, but I think we ordered wrong. Mark Stone was entertaining, but I don't buy the ESP thing ;)

3. Today Joel spent the morning cleaning out our kitchen cabinets and refridgerator and then grocery shopping, and the afternoon working on a presentation for work. I took Ben to soccer, where he's becoming a lot better on defense but still tentative on offense. Still, it was a tie game today.... I think the first game his team hasn't lost outright. Not that we're supposed to be keeping score....

4. After soccer the kids spent the afternoon playing at one of our neighbor's houses with their two kids, where they have a hose with a water cannon hooked up to their play set. So the kids took turns with one aiming the gun down the slide, and the others sliding down the water slide. They all got thoroughly soaked. When I commented about what a cool idea the water cannon was, our neighbor gave me an extra one he just happened to have in his garage. So now all I have to do is buy an extra hose to hook up out back and mount the cannon, and the kids can turn our slide into a water slide this summer too.... awesome fun!

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