Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ben Turns 6!

That's right, 6 years ago today I had a baby boy! We started the celebration early this morning (a little too early -- "Your clock only says 6:57 but I swear the one in my room says 7:02" he told us). His present from us was a Nintendo DSi, which he has only been talking about at least once a day for the last six months. We got him a couple of games to go with it, and both sets of grandparents also got him some games, so he ended the day with a total of 7 games for it so far, so he's quite happy.

We continued the celebration later on with a birthday party with 7 of his friends at Sports Connection, then came back home to open presents. Every single one of his friends got him various Lego Star Wars kits except for one who got him a Lego Ben 10 kit and one who got him some other type of Lego thing. Legos are awfully popular right now it seems... actually come to think of it, when we go to a boy's birthday party I usually give Legos as well! Maybe I should rethink that. The Lego thing may be slightly out of control. Anyway, Ben's going to have a lot of Legos to put together. Not my area of expertise. Hopefully Joel will step in.

After present-opening we headed to PF Chang's for dinner along with Joel's parents (after telling Ben to pick a second choice because The Pancake House, so we told him, did not have a table for six). Now we are home, Rebecca is in bed finally, after missing her nap today and becoming a quivering ball of nerves as a result by the time we got home from dinner.

However the day is not done yet because somehow the "birthday tradition" of letting Ben stay up as late as he wants on his birthday has arisen. Last year he made it until 10pm, but I am pretty sure his stamina has increased dramatically since then. Still hoping to talk him into bed by 10 ;) I am tired!

Below are the obligatory pictures and videos from this momentous occasion.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Happy Birthday Ben!! (Love the pic of Joel's mom and Becca playing some game w/ giant machine guns).