Tuesday, June 8, 2010

PJs & a Party

The last few days of school have been filled with fun activities for the almost-first graders! Today was Pajama Day, and also Ben's birthday celebration. (His actual birthday is not until the 19th, but he wanted to celebrate it at school too). So after having pancakes for breakfast in his classroom, playing games, and watching Curious George, he got to have lunch with Mom and share a cookie cake with his classmates. Ben was so excited to show me the cafeteria, the lunch line procedures, etc, and to sit at the teachers' table ("Because when your Mom comes for lunch you're allowed to sit at the teachers' table!!"). He was also allowed to have a Capri Sun with lunch instead of milk (with my consent). He lorded his spot at the teachers' table, his Capri Sun, and his TWO slices of cookie cake over his friends. Such power, when Mom visits and it's your birthday (or almost).

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