Friday, September 10, 2010

The Potty Train

A couple weeks back Joel and I were discussing needing to potty train Rebecca (from the financial perspective of not wanting to pay for diapers anymore). Rebecca overheard us and yelled, "NO! I don't want to go on the potty train!"

And, she really doesn't. Despite her third birthday rapidly looming, and despite the full cognitive awareness of the business one is supposed to do in the potty, she really wants no part of it. She'll pee on the potty when coaxed (though is usually not happy to do so) and a couple of times done Number Two on the potty (and she's even less happy about that). But she does not actually WANT to use the potty.

I have tried bribing her with M&Ms, fruit snacks, and Hello Kitty underpants, all to no avail. Yesterday I decided to put her in underpants for the day, since she was home with me and I was working so we weren't going anywhere. She managed to avoid an accident (with frequent bathroom reminders which she resisted every time) until later in the afternoon when she very quietly peed while sitting on my bed (and thereafter insisted she had not peed and nothing was amiss).

This morning her second attempt at wearing underpants ended when she pooped in her underpants (completely without warning and without telling anyone).

I know everyone says to relax - your kid won't go to Kindergarten wearing diapers!

But mine just might.


Carolyn said...

I highly suggest just making it easier on yourself and waiting until she is ready (unless she needs it for school). I bet you won't wait much longer since she is a girl. We waited w/ Alex (much to the dismay of some family members) and didn't push it, and when he was 3 1/2 he said he was ready. And even though he is a boy and I had very low hopes for how he'd catch onto it - he said he was ready and we did it cold turkey that day, and since that moment he has not had a single accident, day or night. It was the least hassle of anything in parenthood thus far.

Grandma said...

Try the 'kiss and a stick of gum' incentive. It just might work.