Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Buy Some Popcorn, Watch Ben Throw a Pie

Click on this link to order some popcorn and help Ben raise money for his cub scout troop. Here are the reasons why you should do this:

1. Popcorn is yummy
2. If you don't like popcorn, you can make a donation instead and popcorn will get sent to our troops overseas.
3. If Ben sells $400 worth of popcorn, he gets to throw a pie in his scout master's face.

I am going to sweeten the deal - if Ben sells $200 worth of popcorn, I will let him throw a pie in MY face. And I will videotape it and post it here. How can you pass that up?? So far, he has sold, uh, $0. And the sale ends Saturday. So help him out, and buy some overpriced popcorn. 70% of your purchase will go directly to his cub scout troop, to help offset the cost of field trips and activities.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I edited the link above so that it should say "supporting Ben K" on the upper right hand side of the page - if it doesn't, let me know.


Grandma said...

Sounds good-don't we need a troop ID or something?

Amanda said...

hmmm... if it says you are supporting no one in the upper right hand side of the page, click change, then click on the "find a scout to support" link and enter Ben K, zip code 28270... will try to fix the link to get it to go automatically there.

Kathleen said...

What was the final count? Did he make $200? Do we get to see a pie in your face?