Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trailblazer Day

Yesterday I took Ben (with Rebecca in tow) to Trailblazer Day at Belk Scout Camp, which is located somewhere in the middle of nowhere about 40 minutes from here. Trailblazer day is a day of scouting activities (target shooting, archery, fishing, etc) for scouts and their families that is attended, we discovered, by WAY too many people. We spent an hour and a half waiting in line for a turn at the target practice, then spent half an hour waiting in line for lunch. Then after lunch we spent half an hour in line for the climbing tower, at which point it was announced that they were shutting down promptly at 2pm and anyone towards the back of the line (like us) might as well give up because we weren't going to get a turn. Ben totally lost it at this news, and began stomping around and crying and calling the event organizers "stupid" and "ridiculous" and I am afraid I had to agree with him. This event would have worked much better if it took place during several weekends with the local scouts attending on an assigned day, rather than everyone at once. Ben only got a chance to do one activity the entire time we were there. Rebecca, fortunately, was quite well behaved and waited happily in line never realizing that she was never actually going to get to do anything ;) Joel was at work, and missed all the "fun".

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