Monday, December 13, 2010

Too Many Errands

This weekend involved way too many errands. There was a trip to BJ's in addition to the usual grocery shopping, a trip to Dick's to get basketball shoes for Ben, a trip to Trader Joe's to pick up something to bring to a holiday party we went to Saturday night, and Joel made a separate trip for some new clothes and to the wine store. Ben had basketball and cub scouts, and I did a good bit of online shopping this weekend as well -- ordering a desk and chair for our new iMac (it's set up on a folding card table at the moment), a new printer (ours is broken and we've been printing stuff out at Joel's work or at the neighbor's house when necessary), and a treat for me - a Kindle! Very excited about that last one. It seemed like a really busy weekend, though aside from the holiday party we went to we really didn't *do* a whole lot. Other than running around. We are excited to have Uncle Mike visiting next weekend, and looking forward to it already!!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Wish I was coming too!!! :(