Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday, Monday

At least this is a short work-week - we are heading to Boone Wednesday afternoon for 4 nights, and staying in the same cabin we rented last summer. We're sharing it with friends, and looking forward to some relaxation and cooler weather!! (It should be about 10 degrees cooler up there. I hope). The kids are looking forward to it and to going on vacation with their friends Jared and Evan, which is very exciting for them :)

Saw Harry Potter yesterday. Was slightly confused by the ending, as I was when I read the book also. But overall, it was good. Very action-packed. The kids watched the first Harry Potter movie with Joel this weekend - even Rebecca watched it - they seemed to enjoy it.

In other weekend events, Ben lost his first tooth on Saturday, we went to a friend's pool party, had pizza and ice cream with Nanny and Papa, and visited a couple of open houses in our neighborhood yesterday. I dream of more space (literally I do dream of it, especially with number 3 on the way). Husband counsels patience ;) Not my strong suit these days.

Before we head to Boone on Wednesday I have my 18 week ultrasound. There will be no gender announcement, unless baby does a somersault at exactly the wrong moment - we don't want to find out. Will update again then....

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