Tuesday, August 2, 2011

20 Weeks and Preschool Starts Again...

This week marks week 20 for my pregnancy - halfway done! I had an OB appointment this morning. Baby checked out fine. My only complaint thus far is gall bladder pain, which is pretty impressive considering I don't have a gall bladder. The doctor suggested Pepcid. I'm not terrifically optimistic, but will try it...

In other news Rebecca's third year at CJP officially started yesterday, now that camp is over. She seems to be having only a slight amount of anxiety transitioning to her new classroom/ new teachers / some new friends. One different thing this year is that they have two full-day 3s classes, which are located directly across the hall from each other. The kids are assigned to one of the two rooms, but may go back and forth between the classrooms pretty freely (must ask permission first) and the four teachers will be collaborating and designing the curriculum for the two classes together. It's sort of an experiment - the first year they have tried such an arrangement. (And also the first time they've had to have two full-day 3s classes). So far Rebecca seems to enjoy the novelty of being able to move between classrooms.

Ben has two more weeks of camp after this week, and then goes back to school. The summer is flying by....

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Sounds like a strange experiment- see how many 3 year olds can wander off:)