Monday, August 22, 2011

Toy Purge

We spent much of the day yesterday "purging" the kids toy collection, which had grown massively out of control. We made a "keep" pile, a "donate" pile and a "save for the baby" pile, and went through the play room toys, Ben's closet, and Ben's toy chest. Ben was very good at it and was not reluctant at all to part with massive quantities of toys. Rebecca looked like she might hyperventilate at first, and kept snatching things back out of the "donate" and "save for baby" piles. But after a while she seemed to calm down. We put 10 bags out in the garage for donating, and filled 2 big storage bins with things to save for the new baby, which we stored in the back of Ben's closet. The play room looks a lot neater now, but not lacking for toys even with the big purge. We also took apart Rebecca's crib this weekend and stored that in a closet temporarily (will need it again soon enough). After we finished with the "spring cleaning" we took the kids to the pool and out for dinner and Pinkberry as a reward for their cooperation. My next project is going to be the hall closet where we have eight thousand books piled up that we never use. I'd like to free that closet up for board games, puzzles and art supplies that are sorely lacking a home right now.


kathleen said...

Sounds like a very eventful day! I wonder if Pinkberry was your idea and whether or not you had coconut?!?

Grandma said...

Thank you. Dad and I look forward to staying in the newly cleaned/cleared play room/office/guest bedroom:)