Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Comfy Kitty

It occurred to me that I never posted a picture of Rebecca's new "big girl bed." We had such issues with first the bed being delivered but no mattress, then the trundle/storage unit being back-ordered FOREVER, and then when it finally came the mattress we'd gotten for the trundle wouldn't fit so we ended up selling it on Craigslist because BJ's wouldn't take it back, and buying a 4 inch foam mattress instead for the trundle, which then of course we also had to wait for it to come into the store...the saga continued on and on ad nauseum. Anyway, finally it was all straightened out, but by then I was so exhausted from the whole ordeal I didn't think to take a picture. Until I happened to walk past her room today and saw a) the bed neatly made by the cleaning lady and b) the cat curled up on it, so I went for the camera.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Wow-can I sleep over?:)