Wednesday, November 30, 2011

37 Weeks - Let the Countdown Begin!

I had my 37 week OB visit this morning, which was entirely uneventful. My chief complaint at this point is my right ankle, which has always been rather weak and the added stress on it of pregnancy/swollen feet has made my ankle swollen and sore so that even if I stay off it as much as possible (meaning not very much considering the obligations of taking care of the kids & dog, laundry, dishes, cooking dinner, etc) it still ends up swollen and painful by the end of each day. Otherwise I am experiencing less back pain, less hand/wrist issues, and less sleep problems (knock on wood) than in either of my previous pregnancies. Hopefully it will also help that this pregnancy will be almost a week shorter than with Rebecca, and 2 weeks shorter than with Ben. Having a scheduled C-section at exactly 39 weeks does have its advantages in that respect.

Countdown to Dec. 15 and the arrival of Ben and Becca's little brother or sister begins... NOW! ;)

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Yay, can't wait to meet the newest Kaplan!