Monday, November 14, 2011

Another Monday of Random Updates

I guess I have been a little remiss in the blogging department lately, so here are a few updates:

It's been a busy weekend, Ben had off Friday for Veteran's Day and he spent the afternoon/night at his friend Jared's birthday party/sleepover. They played laser tag at Sports Connection, went out to dinner, played video games and (apparently) stayed up until midnight and were up by 7am the next morning. He seemed to have had a good time though and did not seem particularly worse for wear.

Saturday afternoon was my baby shower, which my friend Joanna organized for me, with lunch at a Chinese restaurant, cake and presents. It was a lot of fun - a big thank you to Joanna and to everyone who was able to make it!! You guys are great!

Yesterday was another hectic day, with Joel working, Ben having Hebrew school, a lunch date with one of Becca's friends, another play date for Ben with Jared at our house this time (so his parents could go car shopping in relative peace), Eagles football with Papa, and a late dinner of Chinese takeout after Joel finally managed to get the grocery shopping finished and bring Chinese food home @ almost 7. Also in there somewhere I did laundry, dishes, and made cinnamon rolls. I was POOPED by the end of the day. I think I was asleep by 9.

Clara went for her second round of shots this morning, and I am sorry to admit that since I have not bought her a seatbelt harness or otherwise figured out how to transport a dog to the vet by myself, I ended up doing some major improvising and shoving her into Ulysses' cat carrier. Which she did NOT appreciate at all (and I am sure that's the last time she'll remotely fit into there). I am going to go today at lunch time and get a seatbelt harness for her or something! She is up to 14 pounds now - she was 9 or 10 pounds at her first vet appointment 3 weeks ago, and the vet said she'll probably be up to 20 pounds by her next appointment 3 weeks from now! Holy crap, puppies grow fast! She slept through the night last night, and is down to the rate of about 1 accident in the house a week at this point... which hopefully is an ever decreasing frequency!

Gearing up for Thanksgiving next week! Uncle Mike and Aunt Kathleen are flying in Monday night and happily, Monday is the only day I am working next week. YEAH! Besides Joel's parents and Uncle Mike and Aunt Kathleen, we are also hosting our friends Melanie and Jeff and their daughter (Becca's BFF Amelia) for the second year in a row. I'll be 36 weeks pregnant as of Thanksgiving day, so hopefully all the fun and excitement won't send me into early labor :)

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