Friday, December 9, 2011

38 Week OB Appointment / Last Day of Work

Yesterday I had my 38 week OB appointment. The only significant part of the visit was that I had to bring Ben with me, because I wasn't able to schedule this visit for while he was at school. Without thinking too much about it I bought him a brownie and a hot chocolate at the Starbucks inside the medical center building on our way up to my appointment, and then realized I had a very goofy, sugared-up 7 year old to deal with in a gynecologist's office. He was far too observant of his surroundings in the exam room ("What's this light for? This is a funny place to have a light... Hey is this to look at your privates with?!") and just generally extremely hyper. Fortunately the doctor opted not to check my cervix, much to Ben's dismay (even though I told him he might have to wait outside in the hall for part of the visit he still thought this was hysterically funny even though I did not tell him exactly why he might have to wait outside - he had enough of an idea I guess to dissolve into hysterical fits of laughter). Aside from Ben's company, the visit (my last before D-Day or should I say B-Day I guess) was uneventful.

Today is my last day of work until March 19, though I am trying not too be too excited about it, considering that I know from past experience that most of it will go by in a sleep-deprived blur ;)

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