Monday, December 26, 2011

What's New

Sorry for the lack of blogging the last few days. Joel returned to work on Saturday to cover the inpatient service over the Christmas holiday. We called in some favors from friends and family to help with Ben and Rebecca, since I am still feeling less than stellar. The kids spent Saturday morning at the home of some friends, Sunday out with nanny and papa to see a movie and go to lunch, and today Ben had camp and Rebecca was babysat by her favorite teacher Lindsay, and arrived home moments before my Mom arrived. Mom is staying until Friday, and I had BETTER BE FEELING BETTER BY THEN!

The c-section recovery is still going slowly, but has taken a back-seat to breast-feeding issues, among them a burning pain that the doctor now thinks may be a yeast infection of the milk ducts, so I am now on medicine for that, as well as instructions to pump and bottle feed instead of direct breast feeding for the time being, to ease the pain. Since I am only about to get about 2 ounces out at a time with the pump, I've been mixing an ounce of formula to bring the total amount to 3 ounces every 3 hours. This seems to make Caroline a lot happier, she spends a lot more time sleeping and is a lot less fussy than she has been the last couple of days.

Having not left the house since coming home from the hospital, my goal is to be up and about by the end of the week!!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Glad mom is there and I sure hope you get out of the house this week!!