Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dentists & Doctors

Today was my first day back on Rebecca preschool drop-off duty. Joel is continuing for now to get up with Ben at 6:15 and get him to the bus stop at 7, but I'm now getting Rebecca up and off to preschool, and doing the afternoon pickup again.

I made this first morning particularly difficult for myself by having a dentist appointment scheduled for Rebecca at 8, and Caroline's 1 month checkup scheduled at 9. Caroline made this even more difficult for me by waking up for her 3:30 am feeding and deciding that instead of going back to sleep afterwards, she would fuss for two hours instead.

So in a haze of exhaustion I managed to get Rebecca and the baby out the door a couple minutes before 8 (fortunately the dentist and doctor are both 2 minutes away), though admittedly the only breakfast we had time for was goldfish crackers.

Rebecca does not like the dentist even a little, though she made a show of enthusiastically going back for her cleaning, and returning to the waiting room beaming and exuberant, though in between I could hear her screaming and crying. On very little sleep, listening to your daughter being tortured in the next room is hardly tolerable. Fortunately they managed to get the cleaning finished and she does not have any cavities, so I suppose it was relatively successful.

After the dentist we walked a couple of doors down to the pediatrician, where Rebecca was very very happy that it was Caroline's turn to get tortured and not hers. Caroline seems to be following closely in her brother's footsteps in terms of the growth curve, weighing in at 11 pounds 9 oz, and 23 inches long. This puts her above the 97th percentile for height, and right at about the 95th percentile for weight.

The one concern the pediatrician has is that she is favoring one side of her head, and is starting to get a flat spot. So our job for the next month is to get her to keep her head turned the other way as much as possible so she doesn't end up needing a helmet! So I am now making her turn her head to the left when she eats, and trying to turn her head to the side when she is sleeping, etc. Fun. She got one shot today, her second hepatitis B vaccine, which she did not enjoy.

I finally got Rebecca dropped off at preschool around 10, stopped at the grocery store, then went home and fell asleep for 2 hours, which Caroline obligingly allowed. (It was Clara who finally woke me up).

Caroline, please start sleeping better at night so we can make the morning routine a little easier for Mommy!!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Good job brushing those teeth, Becca. Way to go!