Sunday, January 8, 2012

Weekend Update

I spent the day Friday doing errands and probably overdid it a little because I was really tired and sore by the end of the day. I went to Target for some groceries (diapers, wipes, formula, etc) and also got a new GPS charger/ USB connector while I was there. Then I came home and finally updated the maps on my GPS (bit the bullet and bought the lifetime updates for $90). The whole process of downloading the map updates was not difficult, but time consuming, so I did some laundry while that was going on, and finally 2 hours later everything was finished updating.

Then I headed out to find the one boutique in Charlotte that sells the high-end dog food we've somehow ended up feeding our dog, though I understand there's a home-delivery service that is a little cheaper (and more convenient) so we will switch to using that after the 30 pound / $65 bag of dog food I bought runs out.... She really loves this dog food - duck and sweet potato flavor. I mean heck, I would almost eat that... Unfortunately I am not allowed to lift anything approaching a 30 pound bag of dog food yet, so I had to ask the only person working in the shop to carry it out to the car for me, and unfortunately this turned out to be a 60 year old woman who probably had to file a workman's comp claim after I made her get out a step ladder to haul the bag down from the top shelf and then carry it to the car for me.... but it's not my fault she apparently doesn't have a stock boy....

Yesterday (Saturday) we had super awesome weather, probably approaching 70 degrees though I did not actually check the temperature to confirm that. I took all 3 kids to Manhattan Bagel for breakfast so that Joel could get some work done on a research paper, and then we spent a long time out in the back yard - the baby and I sitting on the deck and Joel and the kids and the dog all had a good time playing catch / fetch. Clara has been so much better with the kids in the last week or two. Much calmer.

Anyway after playing outside for quite a while it was time for Ben's basketball practice, which we all went to together (his first game is today at 2). Like last year, he's a head taller than all his teammates except for one kid who is about his same height or a little shorter. After the basketball practice we came back home to change and then went over to our friends' house where the kids played outside for another hour or so before we all went out for pizza and then Pinkberry together. Like us they have 3 kids now (3 boys age 8, 5 and almost 4 months) so it was our first time with all 10 of us going out to dinner together, and I must say it was not any more chaotic than when we used to go out with them when there were just 8 of us... of course, the babies just sleep right now :)

When we got home Ben and Joel watched some of the Saints/Lions game and Rebecca fell asleep on our bed in her pjs and a bandana tied around her head like a pirate. It was super cute. She was out cold. I had the baby asleep in my lap, or else I would have tried to get a picture!

A good weekend so far.


Kathleen said...

Thanks for the update!!

Grandma said...

'all three kids' -love that phrase!