Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Head Case

Yesterday Caroline was fitted for her orthotic helmet. This involved putting a nylon stocking type thing over her head, which had a hole cut out for her face, and then wrapping her head in strips of plaster so that she looked like she had a skull fracture or something. All I can say is THANK GOD Joel's schedule got changed and he happened to have the morning off so could come to the appointment, because Caroline screamed through half of the fitting while I held her and Joel attempted to distract her, and when it was over and the mold was removed she was a plaster-y mess and required a lengthy scrubbing of head, face, arms, and torso to get her clean. She was pissed off and hungry, so while I washed her off, Joel held a bottle in her mouth to calm her down ;) We chose a plain pink helmet for her, which Joel is still insisting he wants to decorate with Philadelphia sports decals, and it will be ready for her to begin wearing in 2 weeks! 23 hours a day, 7 days a week, but hopefully only for about 6 weeks. Get ready for your round head, Caroline! ;)


Abigail said...

Which hour of the day is she allowed to have it off? Think you should let Rebecca and Ben decorate it, they can each do a half ;)

Amanda said...

Bath time ;)

Abigail said...

Really, we're supposed to bathe our children every day? I missed that memo...