Thursday, May 3, 2012

Urology Appointment

Rebecca visited the pediatric urologist yesterday, where she got to have an ultrasound of her bladder, pee, and then have another ultrasound to see how much urine was still left in the bladder. There was only about a tablespoon left, which was not too bad. So the conclusion was that she may be having bladder spasms which are causing some leakage and urinary urgency. She will be starting on a daily dose of Detrol, and also got some bathroom exercises to do such as making sure she is sitting up straight when she pees and she is supposed to sing the Happy Birthday song to herself and then pretend she is blowing out a candle (the idea being this will help to make sure she has emptied her bladder completely). She seems more cooperative about using the bathroom, at least until the novelty of that wears off ;) I have not gotten the prescription filled yet; will try to do it today so her first dose will be tonight with dinner. We are supposed to call in 2 weeks to report on her progress, and go back for another visit in 5 weeks.

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