Friday, May 25, 2012

Sitting! And Other Milestones.

Baby Caroline has been racking up the milestones this week. She is starting to sit unassisted (though wobbly, with mom hovering) for a few minutes at a time before she loses her balance and falls over. She started eatiing her first veggie, squash, which brings her solid food repertoire up to 3 items (rice cereal, oatmeal, and squash). She seems to enjoy the squash, and eats it right up, along with a bowl of oatmeal, every night at dinner this week. This I think has led to her third milestone, SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! Three nights in a row, now. Also tonight I let her cry herself to sleep, which was stressful but only lasted about 20 minutes before she fell asleep. Hopefully her new sleeping-through-the-night routine will develop into a nice habit, and she'll start putting herself to sleep without all the drama. The helmet (here pictured without it, during her one-hour daily break) seems to be working out fine. Already her head seems a little more symmetrical in the back to me, though her flat spot is still pretty pronounced. We go back for a follow-up next week.

Although she doesn't know it yet, Caroline will have her first trip to the pool tomorrow!


Abigail said...

OMG look at that chub!! Can't wait to see swimsuit pics :)

Grandma said...

The plump pudgette is adorable:)