Saturday, September 22, 2012

Becca's 5th Birthday Party

Birthday number 5 is not until Tuesday -- also coincidentally the start of Yom Kippor, so not the best time to have a party. We celebrated today with a dozen of her (mostly school) friends. I think we are going to have to say goodbye to the co-ed parties after this for a while! We could get away with it this year because a lot of her friends are still four, in fact all of them I think, though a couple of them turn 5 in the next month or so. I did get an exasperated, "Oh, WHY did you have to invite GEORGE?!" when reviewing the guest list with her yesterday though. (George was very well behaved).

Anyway, it was the first time in a few years that we were brave enough to have the party at our house, and it went pretty darn well I think. The weather was great, so the kids did their activities (bead stringing, music, dancing) outside on the back deck, and played in the yard to burn off their sugar high from the birthday cake. We sat 6 inside at the breakfast room table and 6 outside on the deck for the cake-eating, and everything seemed to work out just fine. Rebecca only had one tantrum which involved storming into the house and locking herself in the downstairs bathroom. But, she came out after a minute and was fine ;) We had bagels, fruit, and coffee besides the cake, since the party was an early one - 10am to noon (I like to get birthday parties out of the way early!)

Here are some pictures:

And here is some happy-birthday-singing-candle-blowing-out video.


Grandma said...

Big hugs and kisses to our wonderful birthday girl.

Abigail said...

Wow the birthday cake looks awesome!