Wednesday, April 3, 2013

15 Month Checkup

Caroline had her 15 month checkup this morning. Normally I am all over the height and weight stats, but this time, they're a bit muddled. You see the nurse measured her this time at 31 inches, whereas last time the doctor measured her at 32 inches, and when I pointed out that last time she was 32 inches the nurse said that in the computer for last time it said 30 inches, and I didn't feel like arguing that 30 inches was the height taken by the nurse and that later the doctor had taken it again as 32 inches... oh well. By the 31 inch measure she's only somewhere around the 50th percentile for height but I am not believing that. She was screaming bloody murder though so I didn't really feel like putting her or the nurses through a re-check. Her weight is 25 pounds 10 oz, which is only up  a couple ounces from last time, and surprised me because to me she feels like a ton of bricks ;)

The doctor and I discussed her tummy issues (gas, ginormous poops) and decided to switch her to lactose free milk and stop the cheese and yogurt altogether for a couple weeks to see if that helps. Besides that we discussed her language development (her language repertoire now includes mama, dada, hi, bye-bye, more, yes, no, uh-oh, yay, thank you and puppy). I was all set to complain that she's not walking, but in the last 2 weeks she's started walking all over the place, though still pretty unsteady. She got a couple of vaccines and her hemoglobin checked (normal) and then I dropped her off at day care. Today is the first day in a week and a half that someone hasn't been sick! Of course that means that we are due for another illness sometime in the next 2 days ;)

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