Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mid-Week Update

Caroline has seem improved over the last few days, at least she is less cranky and has been sleeping a lot better. But she has been eating very little... seeming to subsist for the last few days on milk and small amounts of applesauce and cheerios. Pretty much everything else offered to her receives a wail of "Noooooo.....!" and gets promptly chucked on the floor if you ignore the "no" and try to give it to her anyway. (Clara is always on standby floor cleanup duty). Tomorrow morning she has an appointment with a pediatric gastroenterologist to discuss her apparent digestive issues.

Friday Joel and I leave for New York for the weekend to celebrate Joel's birthday, leaving the kids in Sharon's capable hands until our return on Sunday night. So I am going to be running around over the next couple of days trying to get everything ready for our trip as well as get the house stocked and everything in order... Wish me luck :)

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