Thursday, May 30, 2013


Today was Rebecca's preschool graduation ceremony (She actually has one more week of preschool because she's a full-time student, but who's counting). Unlike Ben's graduation, which was at 6:30 in the evening, graduation has since been moved to 10am. Even so I got there a little after 8:30 to secure seats. There were already people there, and since the first couple of rows were reserved for board members, I didn't get as good seats as I wanted, but I did get seats on the aisle so I could high-five Becca as she processed in and out with her class ;) I heard that some people came in last night and put hand-made reserved signs on some seats, which had to be taken down this morning. People also came in this morning early, reserved whole rows, and then left until just before the ceremony. That was pretty annoying. I only saved a seat for Joel, and at least I stayed after I got there to hold it.

Unlike Ben's graduation we did not have any wardrobe incidents. I did not have a good videography angle, was obstructed by a view of some guy's bald head a couple rows up, but, I will go through my video later and see if I have anything blog-worthy. 

The only incident of the morning was entirely my fault, I bought Rebecca a Tinkerbell snow globe as a graduation present, and fully knowing it was very fragile (glass, water, all that pixie dust....) I showed it to her and then told her I would take it home for her and put it in her room. Well on the way out of the classroom somehow it slipped out of the bag and smashed in the doorway. Water, glass, pixie dust everywhere. Rebecca was thoroughly oblivious to the incident and to the five minute cleanup that ensued, since she was on the other side of the room engrossed in an ice cream sundae. Thank goodness for ice cream sundaes. I stopped at the Hallmark store on the way home and got another one (the last one, so I better not drop it), and put it in her room so she will be none the wiser ;) I do think that from now on I will limit graduation gifts to non-breakables. Perhaps Caroline's graduation will be entirely incident free - who knows - third time is the charm right?

I do not seem to have a picture of Becca on her first day of preschool. But here she is on Ben's graduation day four years ago, wearing his cap, and today:

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