Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday Again Already?

We had some relatives in town Friday and Saturday in honor of the 60th anniversary of Joel's dad's bar mitzvah, so Ben and Rebecca went to services Friday night with Joel and his dad and the extended family and from what I understand they were bizarrely well behaved (probably because they got to stay out until 10:30 PM!) Caroline and I came home after dinner since there is no way she would have lasted anywhere near that long.

Saturday was busy, with Ben's flag football game (his team played against Steve Smith's team and had a pretty good showing though they did not win - I don't think Steve Smith's team has ever lost a game, stretching back to last year also when Ben was on his team). We also babysat the 1 year old daughter of one of Joel's coworkers for the afternoon. We owed her a favor because she babysat Caroline for a day while Joel was in the hospital. We also visited with Joel's relatives some more, and then went to PF Chang's for dinner where I ordered off their gluten free menu so Caroline could share with me. I am much fonder of PF Chang's now -- they have a lot of gluten free choices, even some on the kids menu.

Saturday night Caroline had an AWFUL night though, she was up crying for several hours during the night, refused medicine,  and we couldn't figure out why she wasn't sleeping/ what the matter was. I needed 3 cups of coffee to get me through the day yesterday, and Joel left for a conference in Orlando so I had to put Caroline down for a late-morning nap and then bring her to Rebecca's 1:15 soccer game with me and skip the afternoon nap. (Ben went to a friend's house for the afternoon). Caroline was fine all day until about 5pm what with the early / short nap and how badly she slept the night before she had a total 100% melt down, so I ended up putting her to bed at 6pm right after she finished dinner. She fell asleep almost immediately and slept all night. She did wake up about 30 minutes earlier than usual this morning. Her belly is still distended and despite my earlier post about a normal poop, that was the only normal poop I have seen. It makes sense though that it's going to take some time for her intestines to heal themselves/ start absorbing nutrients properly.

So we're just hanging in there, and religiously reading food labels. Joel's dad's cousins David and Ellissa who were in town this weekend and who also eat gluten free and had heard about Caroline's recent diagnosis, brought us a whole shopping bag full of gluten free stuff from Trader Joe's. Which was great because although we intended to stop by Trader Joe's this weekend, what with everything else going in we didn't get a chance to.

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