Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sleep Issues

Caroline has been having issues sleeping through the night lately. Last week Joel decided we needed to crack down on the nighttime bottles (yes, we did that, on occasion, out of desperation to get her back to sleep) and he bought and installed heavy curtains over her windows so that her room is very dark. She was waking up at 5:30 a.m sometimes and not going back to sleep. Well, Joel was not going to accept this disruption to his sleep. For a few days it seemed to work well, she started sleeping better and yesterday even slept until 7 (our goal for her). On the weekend her naps were also much better because we can keep her room darker.

But last night she woke up at 12:30 am and had a 2 and a half hour scream fest. I went in to check on her after the first hour, to make sure she didn't have a poopy /leaky diaper, fever, or any obvious sign of distress. She seemed fine. She was ironically not at all happy to see me, and yelled "NO!" and tried to scoot away from me in her crib when I came in and reached for her to change her diaper. I changed her and put her back down and closed all the bedroom doors upstairs and she screamed for another hour and a half before she fell asleep. She does this every once in a while and I wonder if she accidentally ate something with gluten in it and is having tummy cramps, or what the deal is. I did give her sweet potato fries last night which I had not bought before, but although the package didn't specifically say gluten free, I did carefully look at the ingredients and I didn't see anything that might contain gluten, but who knows. Of course after she finally fell asleep, Becca came downstairs to tell me she had to go to the bathroom. More coffee, please...

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