Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday Update

It was been a BUSY WEEK complicated by Caroline's preschool having been closed today and yesterday, which necessitated having her home with me while trying to work, which meant trying to keep her in her high chair as much as possible (eating, coloring, reading) because otherwise she was climbing onto the table (did this 50 times) chasing the dog and kittens around screaming, etc. So here it is Friday night and I am still sitting at my desk trying to finish stuff up even though I started work at 7:30 this morning in anticipation of all the interruptions I was going to have during the day. Sigh.

Becca had a good birthday on Wednesday; I met her at school for lunch where she treated me to spaghetti at 10:30 a.m (her class eats lunch ridiculously early), and then we shared a cookie cake with her classmates. At home for dinner she requested steak, salmon and salad, and a donut instead of cake for dessert, so we honored those requests and then she got to open some presents. Her favorite gifts were a Stuffie from Uncle Mike and Aunt Kathleen, a Furby, and an Ice Cream Magic. Now, two of these three items are As Seen On TV, so you'd be correct in thinking Becca pays close attention to TV commercials these days. I shall offer up my own review of the Ice Cream Magic -- far too much work for too little ice cream. When it says "shake it to make it" on the commercial, parents, it means YOU shake it because your kid will give up in about 20 seconds and say their arm is tired. I have had to "shake it to make it" three times today. Oh, and Furby, by the way -- be forewarned -- it has no off switch. You must put Furby to sleep and then either tiptoe around quietly or throw a blanket over it. If I had known that, Furby would have remained on the shelf at the store!

In other news my bitchiness at work lately must have paid off because I got approved for a 4% raise ;) Not much but at least it will almost make up for the extra 5% I started putting in my 401(k) this month.

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Hmmm Charlie has been dying for an Ice Cream Magic.... How long do you have to shake it for and how much ice cream do you actually get? And what is a Fluffie...?