Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Update

Saturday we went to a 5k/fun run/silent auction that was a fundraiser put on by the family of one of Joel's patients. We ended up getting there a bit late -- we had signed the kids up for the fun run but couldn't manage to get there on time. I blame this entirely on Joel. Anyway, determined not to let the morning go to waste I convinced Joel we should do some bidding on some of the silent auction items. Two problems with this-- 1) the kids were with us and 2) Joel had to leave to go to work so left me in charge of the bidding. When you are bidding on items for the kids and the kids are there freaking out about it, it is just all kinds of trouble. Also the bidding was entirely using your smart phone, so way too easy to keep track of your items and whether you'd been outbid or not. Anyway to make a long story short we ended up with an American Girl doll + accessories, and a one night hotel stay in Southpark/restaurant gift cards. The Xbox bundle I was bidding on for Ben we ended up losing, and then I had to take Ben to Game Stop and get him an Xbox ;) His Wii broke Friday night so he was despondent about having no video game system and having to wait until Hanukkah for an Xbox, which is what he wanted. Well, he ended up with it sooner than expected. The kids were happy, and proclaimed it the best fundraiser they had ever been to ;) They can't wait until next year! Ha ;) We are calling it early Hanukkah presents.

In other news I went back to the foot doctor today and was proclaimed healed/ able to return to all activities. My foot still hurts if pressed upon, and I have some numbness running up the front of my ankle which is apparently nerve damage that is hopefully only temporary ;) But otherwise, good as new (ish).

Rebecca turns 6 on Wednesday, and preparations are underway for her birthday party which is Sunday afternoon at Funkytown Parties. It is a dance party, right up her alley of course.

The kittens are doing fine and fortunately Caroline has stopped running away/screaming whenever she sees one of them ;) Rebecca spends much of her time picking them up needlessly and moving them from place to place.

A new second floor air conditioner is being installed today up the street at our rental property, to the tune of $2700. Fortunately we do have the funds to cover it out of the rental property bank account (where we keep the extra rental income after paying the mortgage) but it does put a dent in it. That was The Big Thing That Was Going to Break Any Day up there. So hopefully we'll be good for a while now. Knock on wood.

Hebrew school started yesterday for both Ben and also Rebecca now that she is in Kindergarten. Ben also has Monday afternoon Hebrew school starting this afternoon, a fact that he is less than thrilled about. Rebecca pronounced yesterday's session "awesome" so so far Ben is the only one complaining.

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