Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mid-Week Update

I'll start with the obvious - kittens! Ulysses has been missing for 2 months again now (disappeared again the weekend in July that the cousins were visiting) and the kids, after deciding he is not coming back began begging and begging and begging for a kitten. Now, I am not sure Ulysses is not coming back but I do know that his continued disappearing/reappearing acts have been hard on the kids.So Joel and I agreed we would get a kitten, to be kept indoors only, and thus prevent the running away issues. But when we set out to adopt a kitten, we were told that the kittens should not be separated and we should really take two sisters from the same litter. The kittens in question were rescued from an automotive parts warehouse where they had been dumped. Joel got naming rights for having agreed against all odds on one kitten much less two, so they are Sheridan and Chamberlain after civil war generals ;) We kept them in my office since getting them Monday night, to allow them some time to adjust / heal from being spayed (they were spayed last Thursday), and to introduce them slowly to the dog (who has been sitting outside my office looking forlornly through the french doors). After keeping them in the office for a while they were getting restless and antsy and my office was starting to smell like a giant litter box so today I sent Clara to camp for the day and the kittens are exploring. Exploring seems to be running up and down the stairs very fast, at the moment ;)

After being on yellow for excessive talking 3 days last week, Rebecca's teacher has apparently decided to sit her by herself. When Rebecca mentioned she was sitting by herself I asked, "Why?" to which she replied matter of factly, "Because I talk too much!" I asked if any other kids had to sit by themselves and she said it was just her. I am not sure how I feel about that. Thinking I should email the teacher and ask if Rebecca really needs to sit by herself and is this a permanent arrangement? Sigh. Although, she was on green both Monday and Tuesday so I guess it is working....

The upstairs A/C unit at our rental property finally bit the dust. And of course the home warranty company is wriggling out of paying for a new one. I started shopping around and asked them to give me a cash-out quote (amount they will pay towards a new unit) which of course they have not gotten to me yet. Fortunately the weather is cooler this week and the tenants have been understanding. But it looks like our first major expenditure as landlords is looming ;)

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