Monday, February 24, 2014

A Disappointing Loss

Ben's basketball team made it to the championship game in yesterday's playoffs as expected, but ended up getting blown out by a score of I think 26-11 or something like that. They played the only team that have ever beaten them before (in the second game of the season) and I guess being behind was an unfamiliar experience for them because to a man they totally fell apart and started doing very stupid things on the basketball court. Well, Ben fell apart the least in terms of game performance, scoring 9 of his teams 11 points including intentionally missing the second of two free throws after being fouled, getting his own rebound and scoring. But, he fell apart the most emotionally. I understand that he was disappointed, and he's his team's best player and he had a lot invested emotionally in the season. But he sulked on the bench and complained about the refs every time he wasn't playing. They brought in certified referees for the game, and I guess Ben wasn't used to it because he claimed they were not calling fouls and that he'd gotten pushed, hit in the face, etc with no foul called. Now whether or not this was true, it does not excuse the complaining, sulkiness, etc. When the game was over he made a beeline for the bathroom instead of gathering with his team for the post-season wrap-up, handing out of commemorative basketballs, pictures, etc. Not cool. And I was not successful in coaxing him out of the bathroom in time for him to participate. He was conspicuously absent, what with Joel being one of the coaches and all :P

Added to the fact that we were at basketball from 3 until 7:30 with just snacks for dinner, Caroline getting tired, Becca unexplicably upset because of Ben's team losing, Ben's poor sportsmanship.... the day did not end on a good note. Joel and I were both upset and frustrated with Ben and we talked to him a little bit last night but he was upset and frustrated as well so we told him we'd talk more about it today after we'd all had a chance to settle down. He seemed fine this morning, back to his usual low key cheerful self.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Misery loves company or some such thing:) Sounds like Ben bounced back.