Thursday, April 17, 2014

Peace & Quiet, Mostly

Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Mike left Tuesday morning, and I had all three kids home with me Tuesday and Wednesday. Ben spent some time at a friend's house Tuesday afternoon and there are a couple of neighborhood kids who didn't go away for spring break that Becca has been able to play with, but overall by today I was happy to get rid of all the kids and they were happy to oblige :) Ben and Becca are at spring break camp today and tomorrow, and Caroline is back at preschool although since it's Passover and she can't eat matzah I have to pick her up and take her out to lunch both today and tomorrow. Monday and Tuesday she is home again for the end of Passover, but at least Ben and Becca will be back at school! So the end of the crazy spring break schedule is almost in sight ;)

The laundry situation was in dire straights this morning so I am trying to get that under control , and the dishes were piled up thanks to Passover AND Joel's birthday celebration last night :) The last load of dishes is now washing, and the last load of laundry is too! Now getting caught up with work stuff before I have to go have a forced lunch date with my youngest :)

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