Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mid Week Update

So it looks like my previous post about my sister selling her house was premature, as it seems to have become clear that the potential buyers were BATSH*T CRAZY so... back to the drawing board there it seems. Keeping fingers crossed for her though that she gets an offer from a sane person soon! LOL.

I spent about two hours filling out camp forms last night and seriously regretting the decision to enroll the kids in two separate camps this summer (the forms, oh my god, the forms.... and the physicals that still need to be scheduled... and the forms, did I mention the forms?) I even needed to fill out camp forms for Caroline for this summer, as she'll be starting at camp Katan. Caroline's camp forms include a separate appendix detailing her dietary restrictions. SIGH.

Joel is in Saint Louis at a conference for the remainder of the week, work is BUSY, Becca starts a weekly Mad Science elective after school tomorrow, and the weather here is in the middle of a several day stretch of 80+ degrees!

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