Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Update

We had a nice weekend which included Caroline's first movie , a trip to the pool, and a barbecue with friends. Then last night Caroline spiked a fever and woke up around midnight complaining of chills. She was very fussy and finally I had to curl up on the chair in her room since she was fine when I was in the room with her but every time I would leave she would start crying again. I fell asleep for about an hour and then was able to go back to bed (at about 3 am). Caroline seemed mostly better this morning, a tiny bit warm maybe, and tired/not eating much. I sent her to camp anyway and haven't heard anything so assume she is doing okay. Joel thinks the unexplained fevers (she has had a couple of them recently) are immune responses to having ingested gluten (like, the bagel last week). It seems plausible.

I schlepped Clara to Waxhaw today to see the vet who did her ACL surgery. He says he thinks she tore her meniscus and although it should not need a surgical intervention, it will need some physical therapy and more time spent restricted from off-leash activity. I now have a referral to see a doggy physical therapy group. I didn't even know there was such a thing :) Clara every time I look at you all I see is dollar signs.... ;)

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Grandpa and I hope Caroline is all better and that her Mom gets a good night's sleep!